Cómo abordar la dimensión socioafectiva en la enseñanza remota de emergencia



  • Jessica Rodríguez Hernández UANL




To continue teaching during the confinement phase of the pandemic, higher education
teachers have had to keep up teaching at a distance, in a model that has been identified as
remote emergency education. We have faced the challenge of revising our teaching and learning
strategies, as well as the socio-emotional aspects that impact students success in this transition.
Members of the Network for Educational Innovation (Red de Innovación Educativa 360, o rie360) have
prepared a series of recommendations to address the social dimension in teaching and learning during
the pandemic. We describe the stages that students go through as they move on to this new educational
model; then we present ideas to engage and motivate students in their learning process, as well as to
establish an effective relationship with them.


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Author Biography

Jessica Rodríguez Hernández, UANL



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How to Cite

Rodríguez Hernández, J. (2024). Cómo abordar la dimensión socioafectiva en la enseñanza remota de emergencia: Español. Revista de Prueba, 11(2), 11–12. Retrieved from https://ojs.biblio.uanl.mx/index.php/ojs/article/view/370



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