Vol. 4 No. 9 (2022): Enero-Junio 2022

					View Vol. 4 No. 9 (2022): Enero-Junio 2022

BIOLOGY AND SOCIETY reaches the ninth issue and this is very important. We reiterate our most sincere wishes that, at the apparent end of this very long health contingency, all those who have contributed to the publication of this issue, as well as our readers, are well and healthy. In this context, the importance of this new issue of this scientific popularization electronic journal is highlighted, its publication has been carried out working for almost two years in an unprecedented way, by remote or digital means. Despite these unusual conditions, the work did not stop. Proof of this is undoubtedly the publication that you are currently reading.

BIOLOGÍA Y SOCIEDAD in this ninth issue, for what was expressed in the previous paragraph, thanks the dedication and commitment of each and every author and co-author of the articles included here, and the members of the Editorial Board and Committee who promptly and cabal gave a professional follow-up to each manuscript. To each and everyone, our deepest recognition, since thanks to your commitment this new number was able to see the light.

In this issue, an article is presented that deals with the role of natural products in the cosmetic and dermatological industry, in this, the authors explain how cosmetics based on natural products have gained attention due to the belief that they are better than synthetic ones. when it is not always so. They reveal to us the science behind the development of so-called natural cosmetics and the various tests to which they are subjected.

In another of the articles, the author talks about scientific research as a profession, taking us through the transit of scientific activity from remote times in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, despite the fact that in its beginnings it was not considered a paid activity. to be done for the good of humanity. It details the path of a researcher from his training to his consolidation, his responsibilities, evaluation mechanisms, and the effort to obtain a position, as well as the financing for the development of his line of research. The reflections that the author includes on the problem of the social recognition of science are of great importance.

In another of the works, the authors made a compilation on different aspects of the biology of the western diamondback rattlesnake (Crotalus atrox), they made a morphological description, its taxonomic history, habitat where it is distributed, its behavior, diet, reproduction, type of poison and conservation strategies.

From the state of Guanajuato, the authors of another paper explain how agroecosystems function as a refuge for biodiversity, through case studies on amphibians and reptiles. They suggest that agroecosystems can function as refuge and temporary feeding areas for amphibian and reptile species that are tolerant to disturbance, or that transit from disturbed to semi-conserved and conserved areas.

Finally, they present us with a work on biological and cultural diversity in the state of Oaxaca, with conservation strategies on indigenous communities. As a state, it is the federal entity with the greatest linguistic and biological diversity in Mexico. The danger that exists with the opening of the interoceanic corridor is highlighted, and the possible interference in the conservation efforts of the original peoples; Therefore, a series of recommendations are made to alleviate these problems for the native peoples of Oaxaca, so that they are allowed to continue their efforts to conserve native biodiversity and their own cultural diversity.

Given the diversity of topics included in this issue, as well as its relevance, I am certain that this ninth issue of BIOLOGY AND SOCIETY will have a significant impact on the dissemination of the results of scientific research and the social appropriation of knowledge.

Published: 2022-06-10