Avances en el desarrollo de ingredientes naturales bioactivos con uso en cosmetología


  • Alma Yesenia Gutierrez-Vences Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas
  • Alejandra Yanas-Meraz Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas
  • Ezequiel Viveros-Valdez Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas


Natural products bioassays cosmetics validation


Natural products play an important role as a source of biologically active ingredients with cosmetic and dermatological importance. In recent years, cosmetics based on natural products have gained a great deal of attention not only from researchers but also from the public due to the general belief that they are better than synthetics, as well as being harmless, thus which probably couldn’t be true, which is why this article addresses the science behind the formulation in so-called natural cosmetics, as well as an overview of the natural active ingredients that can be found in them. We delve into some tests: in vitro, in silico and ex vivo, used to analyze their effectiveness as sun photoprotectors, anti-aging, anti-hyperpigmentation and toxicity, as well as the controversy generated using in vivo tests.


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Author Biographies

Alma Yesenia Gutierrez-Vences, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas

A ninth-semester student of the Bachelor's Degree in Genomic Biotechnology, she has worked as a volunteer in the biochemistry laboratory and as a fellow in the data science laboratory, as well as in modeling research and in silico tests.

Alejandra Yanas-Meraz, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas

Fourth-semester student in Genomic Biotechnology at the Faculty of Biological Sciences. Focused on the investigation of medicinal plants and natural products that benefit the human body, in addition, she performs collaborative and individual work and has the ability to analyze and synthesize scientific texts related to the area of interest, being involved in extracurricular activities within the area of science such as knowledge olympics and other external projects

Ezequiel Viveros-Valdez, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas

Professor-Researcher of the chemistry department of the Faculty of Biological Sciences of the UANL. Member of the National System of Researchers Level I, has a PRODEP profile and is part of the academic body of biological chemistry (UANL-CA-180 Consolidated), working in the line of generation and application of knowledge of Research and Development of Bioactive Natural Products. His research has focused on determining the biological effect of natural products through the use of in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo bioassays, as well as their chemical analysis through coupled analytical techniques such as LC-DAD-NMR-MS.


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How to Cite

Gutierrez-Vences, A. Y., Yanas-Meraz, A., & Viveros-Valdez, E. (2022). Avances en el desarrollo de ingredientes naturales bioactivos con uso en cosmetología. Revista de Prueba, 4(9), 4–14. Retrieved from https://ojs.biblio.uanl.mx/index.php/ojs/article/view/52



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