Administrative and financial transformation of the MiPymes of Lázaro Cárdenas, Michoacán, as a competitive strategy in the face of the effects of covid-19


  • Rafael Casas Cárdenaz Tecnológico Nacional de México, Campus Lázaro Cárdenas


Administration, competitiveness


This research work is oriented to the MiPymes of Lázaro Cárdenas, Michoacán, due to the importance they represent in the national and local economy, as well as the creation of jobs. However, their average life, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography INEGI (2019), the average life expectancy of a business in Mexico, in the manufacturing sector is 9.7, in commerce 6.9 and in non-financial private services 8 years respectively. In the same way, according to this organization, the National Institute of the Entrepreneur (INADEM) and the National Bank of Foreign Trade (BANCOMEXT), in the national survey on productivity and competitiveness of micro, small and medium-sized companies (2019), 95.4 % are micro, 3.6% are small, 0.8% are medium and concentrate 72. % of formal jobs in the country. Actually, these economic units face the effects derived from the COVID 19 pandemic, due to definitive closure, others with losses in their economic results. Likewise, during 2022, a growing inflation occurred, creating an environment of uncertainty in these establishments, which forces them to modify their processes. Due to the above, as a competitive strategy, the administrative and financial transformation is proposed to deal with the problems described.


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Author Biography

Rafael Casas Cárdenaz, Tecnológico Nacional de México, Campus Lázaro Cárdenas

Departamento de Ciencias Económico-Administrativas. Tecnológico Nacional de México, Campus Lázaro Cárdenas, Michoacán, México


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How to Cite

Casas Cárdenaz, R. (2023). Administrative and financial transformation of the MiPymes of Lázaro Cárdenas, Michoacán, as a competitive strategy in the face of the effects of covid-19. Revista de Prueba, 6(17), 28–40. Retrieved from

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