Estimación del potencial teórico de biogás en una granja de producción lechera de Tabasco


  • LORENA MERCEDES SÁNCHEZ PEDRERO Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco


biogas, manure, dairy cows


The anaerobic digestion is a process that maximizes the use of organic waste for its use as an energy source. This study
has the objective of estimating the theoretical potential in the generation of biogas from a dairy farm in the municipality of
Jalapa, Tabasco. Sampling and elemental determinations of excreta generated in holding pens were made. The theoretical
production of biogas obtained was 14,860.13 m3 m-1, with a theoretical yield of 860.60 m3 kg-1 of SVT.


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Author Biography

LORENA MERCEDES SÁNCHEZ PEDRERO, Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco



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How to Cite

SÁNCHEZ PEDRERO, L. M. . (2023). Estimación del potencial teórico de biogás en una granja de producción lechera de Tabasco. Revista de Prueba, 19(80), 54–58. Retrieved from



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